Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Where is Dave?

It's been a bit quiet on the blog front but now I have a spare moment to update you with what is happening. Arriving home a few weeks ago, I had 1 week to relocate my life from Belgium up to Loughborough, for the start of my university degree in sport and exercise science. The plan for the next 3 years will be a combination of the studying and racing, spending the Easter holiday (4 weeks in April), and having completed exams in early June, I will go back to Belgium for the duration of the season.

They say that science is the new drugs, and it is my firm belief that the opportunity to promote scientific backing and knowledge in my training is the only way to move forward in cycling.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with your studies - I've really enjoyed reading your descriptive and intelligent reports over the season in Belgium. Will you be at the Dave Rayner dinner next month? Kind regards, Chris Robbins


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