Sunday, September 05, 2010


After 2 days off training with a niggling knee pain, Rummen was simply a test rather than a race, so really very little to report on here. 140kilometres, figure of 8 circuit (we really did go down the finishing straight in opposing directions twice a lap – any more than 6 minutes down and your out the race!) and 126 starters.

With groups clipping off the front left right and centre, I eventually found myself in a group of 10 or so racing for 50th place, (but more importantly the final 10euros of prize money for the race...)

I won the sprint from the group, but putting the result aside, my knee was pain-free, and that was all I wanted to achieve from the race. Next race Sunday in Molenbeek - Wersbeek.

1 comment:

  1. Just been looking at the Dave Rayner Fund website to remind me of the date for the dinner in November, when I came across your blog Dave. I haven't had time to read it all, but I have really enjoyed what I have read and think you have a great style of writing. I feel to be right in there with you - you have a gift for describing the events you have been involved in - your brother too. Keep up the good work both on the bike and the laptop!! Thanks for the fascinating and well written blog, Chris Robbins


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